RABIDLY - перевод на арабский
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RABIDLY - перевод на арабский



مُتَزَمِّت ; مُتَعَصِّب

مصاب بداء الكلب      

rabid (ADJ)


see rabid
Примеры произношения для RABIDLY
1. rabidly anti-nuclear.
The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels _ Alex Epstein _ Talks at Google
2. armed services are under siege from a rabidly
The New American Militarism _ Andrew Bacevich _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для RABIDLY
1. It‘s a rabidly divided country, and it makes me miserable because both sides are wrong.
2. And he has proved more friendly to business than you might expect, given his rabidly hard Left past.
3. U.S. bombers, however, flew into deep valleys and rabidly bombed ancient buildings, leaving no traces of them.
4. Oh for goodness sake, how wonderful that people comment so rabidly about something they know little about.
5. "Some Jews are all right and my father valued them, like Neturei Karta," he conceded, referring to a fringe ultra–Orthodox sect that is rabidly anti–Zionist.